Energy, Heating and cooling

Ensure long-term heating and cooling system health with a reliable heat exchanger supplier

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The heat exchanger is essential for all heating and cooling systems to transfer thermal energy between mediums. This article describes important factors to consider when choosing a heat exchanger supplier and what you can do to ensure the long-term health of your heating and cooling system.

The transformation of the heat exchanger market

Since the pandemic, the heat exchanger market has experienced a significant change as many companies have begun to evaluate their suppliers. Price will always be an important factor, but rising energy prices and higher costs have resulted in many beginning to assess their suppliers and weighing in on other factors. Customers have higher demands on their suppliers today and search for sustainable long-term partnerships.

The mentality has shifted a bit, and in accordance with green initiatives and sustainability, more customers highly value equipment health and ensuring it’s in the best possible condition. There is a heightened focus on investing in the most suitable equipment for your industry. If you’re looking for a reliable heat exchanger supplier, consider these factors:

5 critical factors to look for in a heat exchanger supplier for heating and cooling systems

  1. Competence – Choose a company with a strong reputation that has been in the industry for a long time. A long-lasting supplier usually also comes with long-lasting global relationships. 
  1. Technical knowledge – Strong technology usage and technical skills mean the supplier has the necessary prerequisites to support your daily problems.
  1. Responsiveness – If you’re experiencing problems, you obviously want help as soon as possible. Make sure to choose a supplier that responds and acts quickly.
  1. Attitude to resolve and support – The best kind of supplier has a positive attitude and is willing to help and provide the support you need. To provide quick support, look for a supplier active in your region. Many great companies offer heat exchangers for heating and cooling systems, but few offer service and support as after sales. 
  1. Global supply chain – With a supplier operating globally, getting both products and help will be easier. A global company also has a more substantial presence and the opportunity to share experiences, knowledge, and processes between offices and countries.

Preventive actions to ensure the long-term health of your heating and cooling system

Preventive maintenance is key to ensuring the long-term health of your heating and cooling system. Service contracts or agreements are one way to go. By setting up an agreement like this with your supplier, you make sure you get immediate help if any issues arise. That is the best way to ensure that your operation is proceeding smoothly. You never have to worry about shutting down for hours or even days, which would result in considerable production losses. And, without an agreement, emergency repairs are also more expensive, so taking preventive action is a win-win situation.

For example, many companies turn off the heat around April and then turn it back on again in October. A common issue is that when the heat needs to be back on, it doesn’t function as expected. We recommend using those months to plan ahead and perhaps do some preventive actions in August already before the winter season starts. This ensures you’re not accustomed to losses in finances and production.

The benefits of choosing Tranter as a supplier

Long experience

There are actually not many heating and cooling heat exchanger suppliers like us. We have been around since 1932, so you can rely on our deep knowledge and experience in various industries and products like heating and cooling systems. 

Operating globally

We have a global presence, meaning we can ensure support to you regardless of your location. We know it’s essential to get local help and service, as well as the comfort of working with a supplier that speaks your language. That’s why we have production sites, service centers, and sales offices worldwide on all industrialized continents, from the United States to Brazil and Sweden. 

Providing customizable solutions

Another thing we highly value is not providing off-the-shelf products. Instead, we only offer customized solutions built to withstand the specific challenges of each industry. You should use a heat exchanger designed explicitly for your heating and cooling system, not just pick the cheapest solution. Why? Because only choosing equipment based on price might result in getting the wrong specifications or needing to replace it in just a few years. By picking the right solution, your heat exchanger can work for an unforeseeable future as long as you take preventive measures and choose a trusted supplier.